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Mary Anne's Polar Rig_photo by Mac Ruzic_2.jpg
Mary Anne's Polar Rig_photo by Mac Ruzic_2.jpg
Mary Anne's Polar Rig_photo by Mac Ruzic_2.jpg

Mary Anne's Polar Rig 

MARY ANNE'S POLAR RIG (SE)   —   Sawn-off-shotgun fuzzpop!
(booking in Denmark)


Mary Anne’s Polar Rig  take their name from a mining-station on the Arctic island of Svalbard, an identification that implies a little bit of toughness, an ability to take a few knocks and keep on rolling. You can certainly hear some of that in their sound – the Malmö duo Malin Hofvander & Harald Ingvarsson serve up rough-and-tumble rock and roll that can handle anything the world has to throw at it!


Starting off life in Malmö, Sweden and initially a four-piece, Mary Anne’s Polar Rig honed their sawn-off-shotgun punk, pop and rock on the road and eventually collected enough songs to create their debut album 'Makes You Happy' which was physically released in both the US and Japan.


After having recalibrated to a two-piece, the band signed with Stockholm label Rama Lama Records and swam into more experimental waters for the follow-up 'Makes You Wonder'  and a more complex, mature and heavy sound, with melodies and sharp refrains striking through in places like lightning bolts. Some songs skid and roll chaotically, like an out-of-control dirt bike, while others are carefully nursed and layered into something crashing and grand, like towering prog pyramids, taking Mary Anne’s Polar Rig's music onto a level beyond anything they’ve ever done before!


“We don’t make music for other people”, says Hofvander, “we make it for us.”
“I have always felt that we’re a guitar rock band, but I don’t want to be
just a guitar rock band.”


'Makes You Wonder'  proves that they’re so much more than just that —  the future stands wide open, only waiting to see where they go next!


“From the very start of the first song, 'Makes You Wonder' hits hard and I am instantly blown away by how great this is. I would go as far as to say that this will be one of the best albums of the year!”

“There’s a recklessness to this band’s performance that aligns perfectly with their warm, rich harmonies. It’s invigorating, enchanting, and utterly irresistible.”
— Atwood Magazine




VIDEO:  Mary Anne's Polar Rig - Summer Girl
VIDEO:  Mary Anne's Polar Rig - Som En Dröm 

photo: Mary Anne's Polar Rig  / Mac Ruzic

VIDEO:  Mary Anne's Polar Rig - Crash 
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